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RIF Logistics and Mintsoft

About RIF Logistics

Established in the UK in 2008 as a logistics specialist, RIF Logistics make sure they understand your requirements and deliver a quality solution that is flexible, scalable, and cost effective. Now with multiple facilities in both the UK and Europe, they’ve taken proactive steps to ensure their clients see no disruption to their logistics service post-Brexit. 

RIF recently became a Group bringing together, Rif Worldwide (freight specialists), RIF Logistics (3PL specialist), RIF Europe (European 3PL/freight specialist) and RIF FX (Foreign exchange specialists), and in addition, they recently acquired CL Logistics in Australia.  

Using Mintsoft has enabled us to automate the process throughout, saving us time and reducing any errors from manual input.


Head of Logistics Operations, John Whitaker

Mintsoft reduces the time it takes to process orders

Prior to 2020, RIF had been using Access Delta for their warehouse management. Due to business needs, Mintsoft was added to their Delta package, initially for the carrier integration capabilities. Now due to business growth and the additional features Mintsoft offers, RIF use this software in all of their UK and EU warehousing sites. 

Prior to taking on Mintsoft RIF had a very manual process for their Logistics admin team - they were raising a percentage of orders manually and in turn having to raise carrier jobs manually.  

This encompassed with automated upload processes like the upload product template, where multiple data entry templates are supplied as standard by Minstoft. This has allowed RIF to streamline their process and gain more confidence with their current client base, whilst allowing them to fully integrate with Mintsoft.  

Resulting in RIF being able to process more orders whilst reducing their KPI errors percentage rate per client. Additionally, the direct connections with most modern platforms enables RIF to work with a whole range of clients. 

How has RIF Logistics benefitted from using Mintsoft? 

Currently RIF use Access Delta and Mintsoft together. Mintsoft introduced additional capabilities such as process automation, reliable order upload and the carrier integrations that they required. As a successful logistics partner to businesses of all size and sector, RIF required a Warehouse Management System (WMS) software that would support them to ensure their clients’ customers get the right goods at the right time and using both systems together has enabled that. 

RIF are in the process of transitioning all their client base over to Mintsoft for early 2024 and are setting up clear guidelines for use per client.  


Mintsoft is moving us in the right direction whilst allowing us to move our customers with us. A lot of the time we were restricted by our client’s lack of systems or knowledge, but Mintsoft is allowing us to get our clients onboard and has the tools to help them use the system themselves.

Head of Logistics Operations, John Whitaker